The internal side of corporate social responsibility: an exploratory factor analysis
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Internal Social Responsibility (ISR), human resources, employees’ quality of life, factor analysisAbstract
Despite the huge academic literature devoted to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), research on the internal side of CSR is surprisingly scarce. This paper focuses on regional firms interacting with local communities in the Spanish Autonomous region of Extremadura by considering both external and internal sides of CSR in their activities. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm as theoretical background and build on the CSR scale recently developed by the authors, the research addresses internal practices considered as responsible. A factor analysis was carried out on the results from a sample of 590 managers in business services and findings show that five factors determining the internal side of CSR: responsible human resources practices; organizational culture of responsibility; social projects promotion; significant compensation policies; and employees quality of life.
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