University social responsibility as antecedent of students’ university experience


  • José Luis Vázquez University of León
  • Carlota López-Aza University of León
  • Ana Lanero University of León


quality of service, satisfaction, University Social Responsibility (USR), higher education, Spain


This paper aims to present a model on the perception of University Social Responsibility (USR) by students and to analyse its usefulness to predict two dimensions of university experience, namely quality of service and satisfaction. To this end, after reviewing the previous literature on USR, a survey study was conducted with a sample of 200 last-year students at the University of León (Spain). Data were analysed through factor and PLS (Partial Least Squares) techniques. Factor analysis identified a solution of six factors defining the students’ perception regarding university impacts, whereas only three of them influenced their overall perception regarding USR. Furthermore, this perception acted as an antecedent of quality of service and satisfaction. The analysis of the obtained results allows significant implications for the design of marketing strategies focused on students’ retention and attraction, as universities that use USR strategies will have a competitive advantage as a tool for improving the university experience.


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How to Cite

Vázquez, J. L., López-Aza, C. ., & Lanero, A. (2015). University social responsibility as antecedent of students’ university experience. Responsibility and Sustainability, 3(3), 33–46. Retrieved from