Social marketing and childhood obesity


  • Marco Antonio Ríos Ponce Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador
  • Juan Francisco Alvarez Valencia Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador
  • María Elena Castro Rivera Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador


social marketing, values, childhood obesity, characteristics


In Ecuador, childhood obesity rates have been increasing compared to 20 years ago; however, their approach has been scarce. Because of this, and from the perspective of social marketing, this document is presented, the result of a research work that combined the qualitative and quantitative methodological approach. The research was proposed in order to: 1) understand the perception and relationship of different marketing tools to address the problem of childhood obesity; 2) identify the main characteristics of households with childhood obesity and 3) collect useful elements for the design of a future proposal for a social marketing campaign aimed at reducing the incidence of childhood obesity. The research consisted of three phases, in which the application of interviews to pediatricians, nutritionists, marketing specialists and parents was combined with the application of surveys to parents. Based on the information collected, and based on the literature consulted, a conceptual map was constructed that includes the variables to be considered in the design of a social marketing campaign aimed at reducing the incidence of childhood obesity.


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How to Cite

Ríos Ponce, M. A., Alvarez Valencia, J. F., & Castro Rivera, M. E. (2021). Social marketing and childhood obesity. Responsibility and Sustainability, 6(1), 67–80. Retrieved from



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