About the Journal
Responsibility and Sustainability was founded in 2013 by the Research Group on Marketing and Operative Research at the University of León (Spain), the Research Unit in Business Sciences at the University of Beira Interior (Portugal) and the Institute of Business Studies at the University of Szeged (Hungary), and supported by IAPNM. In 2020 R&S continues to be published by IAPNM LATAM Chapter with its head editorial office in Montevideo (Uruguay).
Responsibility and Sustainability is a international scientific journal in on-line format publishing English/Spanish/Portuguese written original articles, theoretical developments and case reports in the fields of responsibility and/or sustainability. Relevant research notes, PhD reviews and book reviews are also welcome. The main objective of the publication is to foster the study of those topics related to the above fields from a multidisciplinary perspective and provide a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in examining these issues from practical and theoretical viewpoints. Establishing and sharing a common vocabulary to discuss on methods, procedures, results and experiences will improve the exchange of ideas among authors and readers of varied backgrounds.
Only manuscripts displaying strict scientific rigor and expository clarity will be accepted for publication. First-rate scientific quality is guaranteed by a qualified editorial board and a large scientific board composed of internationally recognized experts from prestigious academic and research institutions. Submitted contributions are evaluated through a double blind refereeing process. Authors should guarantee that their contributions have not been published elsewhere or have not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
Responsibility and Sustainability supports open access to scientific literature. Full texts of all articles are available for free at the journal website since they are published.
Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement
R&S base his Ethic Statement on Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_1.pdf).
R&S is committed to only publishing papers without fraudulent data and without plagiarism. Anti plagiarism software is used to control unethical situations. If you detect any of these cases please contact the Editor Óscar Licandro (olicandro@claeh.edu.uy)
Plagiarism and transparency policy
R&S fight actively against plagiarism and fraudulent practices. R&S is aware of the problem of plagiarism. Manuscripts with plagiarism are rejected. All papers published in the journal has been tested with anti-plagiarism software. If you think you have detected plagiarism please contact the editor Óscar Licandro.
R&S use iThenticate to detect plagiarism but under our process of continuous improvement we study situation of scientific plagiarism, ways to avoid these malpractices and new methods and software to apply. We recommend to read:
-The blog of SciELO title 'Editorial Ethics - How to detect plagiarism with automated means' (http://blog.scielo.org/es/2014/02/12/etica-editorial-como-detectar-el-plagio-por-medios-automatizados/#.U4mDlfl_v4t)
-The webpage of Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff from University of Applied Science of Berlin (http://people.f4.htw-berlin.de/~weberwu/) and his tests of plagiarism detection systems (http://plagiat.htw-berlin.de/software-en/test2013/)
- The web page of Committee on Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org/)
We also follow the transparency & best practice of DOAJ (https://doaj.org/apply/transparency/)
Responsibility and Sustainability will publish with two issues per year begining from 2022. The publication periods include the months of January to June and from July to December. The number of articles published will correspond to the editorial workflow of the journal considereing continuous publication.