Ecoturism and promotion as a key to development of biosphere reserves


  • Katarína Vitálišová Matej Bel University, Slovakia
  • Mária Vavrušová Matej Bel University, Slovakia



biosphere reserves, ecotourism, sustainable development, Slovakia, questions


The paper presents the case study on the biosphere reserve and the role of ecotourism and promotion in their development. The biosphere reserves are presented as model territories based on the harmony of human and nature, and that is why the social and economic development in this areas has to be properly managed and in line with the principles of sustainable development. The case study on the examples of Slovak biosphere reserves explain the possible solutions of their further development based on the ecotourism and promotion of their uniqueness. It points out various effects of tourism that bring positive but also negative effects on the quality of the territory.The paper presents the partial outputs of project APVV-20-0108 Implementation of Agenda 2030 through biosphere reserves.


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How to Cite

Vitálišová, K., & Vavrušová, M. (2023). Ecoturism and promotion as a key to development of biosphere reserves. Responsibility and Sustainability, 8(1), 32–41.


