Visualizing the Scientific Landscape on Sustainable Consumption Research in Web of Science


  • Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sánchez Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Perú)
  • Santiago Luis Risco-Martínez CEDRO



Bibliometric Analysis, Sustainable Consumption, Vosviewer, Web of Science


Sustainable Consumption is a research field that has surged in popularity over the years, as the need, and demand, for more sustainable practices becomes apparent with time. To study the current state of sustainable consumption research, we conducted a bibliometric analysis with 2168 articles from the Web of Science Core Collection using VOSviewer software.

Our findings suggest England is the most productive country regarding sustainable consumption research. The most popular keywords are those related to the field of “sustainability” such as “sustainable development” and “sustainable production”; and “consumption”, such as “consumer behavior” and “food”. The most cited article of the sample is “The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption” by Hamari, J; Sjoklint, M; and Ukkonen, A (2016). The article from the sample most cited by other articles from the sample is “Sustainable Consumption: Green Consumer Behaviour when Purchasing Products” by Young, W; Hwang, K; McDonald, S; and Oates, CJ (2010). The most cited and productive source is “Journal of Cleaner Production”. The most productive institution with the most citations is the University of Leeds. Most of the institutions with the highest level of production in this field are from Europe. The author with the most citations is Hubacek, Klaus. The scientific article that shares the most references with other articles of the sample is “New Conceptions of Sufficient Home Size in High-Income Countries: Are We Approaching a Sustainable Consumption Transition?” by Cohen, MJ. The author most referenced by the authors of the sample is Ajzen, Icek.


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How to Cite

Ortigueira-Sánchez , L. C., & Risco-Martínez, S. L. (2023). Visualizing the Scientific Landscape on Sustainable Consumption Research in Web of Science. Responsibility and Sustainability, 8(1), 42–51.


