Female entrepreneurship and mindfulness: a transnational study between Spain and Ecuador
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial attitude, mindfulness, genderAbstract
Although female entrepreneurship is increasingly gaining more prominence in society, there are certain obstacles that slow down its evolution. These obstacles include contextual ones such as lack of visibility, ecological ones, which hinder access to funding, and soft ones related to self-confidence or other psychological barriers. In this sense, mindfulness helps to overcome some of these barriers by developing non-judgmental behavior and bringing attention to the present, improving awareness, empathy, compassion, and self-observation, and helping the individual to recognize and evaluate new business opportunities. This study aims to examine the role of women in entrepreneurship from a cross-national perspective, and to analyze the extent to which the level of mindfulness influences entrepreneurial attitude. To this end, an empirical study was carried out in which 105 questionnaires were obtained from Spanish and Ecuadorian women. The results show that the level of mindfulness and the female entrepreneurial attitude are positively correlated. However, although a difference in the level of mindfulness is observed in favor of Ecuadorian women, there are no differences in the entrepreneurial attitude between the two countries.
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