Marketing of energy social responsibility: exploring the customer satisfaction


  • Bruno Grbac University of Rijeka
  • Duško Radulović Energo Ltd.
  • Anita Klanac Sensum Ltd


marketing, energy, social responsibility, customer satisfaction, sustainable development


Energy market liberalization, environmental issues and customers’ social problems require social marketing approach in order to achieve energy customer satisfaction and sustainable energy company development. The purpose of this paper is to examine energy companies’ social responsibility perspectives and its functioning in liberalized and competitive energy market, regarding the level of customer satisfaction. At this purpose, the correlation of energy customer level of satisfaction and function of social responsibility marketing in energy companies will be assessed. Research included a survey on customers of gas and district heating service in the local community. Obtained results were tested and final findings indicate that energy companies’ social responsibility marketing activities correlates with the level of energy customer satisfaction. Therefore, new marketing relation of energy social responsibility is presented in order to achieve a community sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Grbac, B. ., Radulović, D., & Klanac, A. (2014). Marketing of energy social responsibility: exploring the customer satisfaction. Responsibility and Sustainability, 2(3), 19–25. Retrieved from



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