Croatian image analysis through film industry as a macromarketing tool


  • Boris Jurič
  • Ivan Maloča
  • Robert Bodulić


Croatian film, film industry, brand, macromarketing


  The goal ofthis paper isto analyze theinfluenceoffilmson theimageof an actuallocation offilmingat the local, regional and national level. With this purpose, a preliminary study was conductedon200respondentsinthe period from February 5thto March 5th, 2014.Results showedthat more thanhalfof respondentshave a neutralopinion(which indicatesthat domesticfilmhasnot contributed to, but also has not negatively impacted on the image ofCroatia)whilethe majority ofthembelieve thatthere is enoughpotentialto create qualityfilms thatwillimprovethe image of Croatiain the future.It is important to notethat, althoughit has beentwenty years since thewar,the majorityof respondents still associate Croatian, Serbianand Bosnian-Herzegovinian cinematography withwar.It is necessary toenhancegeneral awarenessof domestic filmproduction, which contributes toculture, art, Croatianlanguageandcultural heritage. Conversely,it is necessaryto engageall the qualitiesof profitableand conventional marketingin order for budgetstobehigher, thus generating better quality productions. It is also important to develop a strategy for the promotion of the film industry in order to create a better image of Croatia.


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How to Cite

Jurič, B., Maloča, I., & Bodulić, R. (2015). Croatian image analysis through film industry as a macromarketing tool. Responsibility and Sustainability, 3(1), 34–42. Retrieved from



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