Evolution and modification of foreign finance providing in Iran legal system


  • Gholam Nabi Feyze Chakab Alame tabatabayi University
  • Ibrahim Taghizade Payame noor University
  • Azizolah Fahimi Qom University
  • Khodadad Khodadadi Dashtaki Payame noor University


providing foreign finance laws, evolution of foreign investment regulations agenda, developing countries, Iran


Foreign finance providing is one of the important points and a requisite for economic activities in all developing countries. Specifically, this is the case in Iran, where it is also a core issue.

At national level, there are legal sources for foreign investment in Constitutional Laws as well as some ordinary laws and regulations in concrete details. This paper relates to the procedure to modify these laws and regulations inside the organizations.

Conclusions indicate that it had been better issuing and making the regulations about providing foreign finance and omitting interrupting rules (red-tape).


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How to Cite

Feyze Chakab, G. N. ., Taghizade, I., Fahimi, A., & Khodadadi Dashtaki, K. (2015). Evolution and modification of foreign finance providing in Iran legal system. Responsibility and Sustainability, 3(1), 51–58. Retrieved from https://responsibility-sustainability.org/index.php/R-S/article/view/50



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