Formation of a new paradigm of social identity in a polycultural collective on the basis of re-socialization


  • Elena Kalinina Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


identity, re-socialization, intercultural communication, polycultural professional environment


Intercultural professional relations form one of the most important challenges in modern Europe. This fact allows considering a problem of lack of social professional adaptation of foreign cultural groups, which is connected with unsuccessful re-socialization and non-formed cultural and professional identity.


On this basis, the objective of this paper is to study the formation of a new paradigm of intercultural relations in professional space as a part of the employer’s responsibility. It will favour the task of intercultural conflicts resolution and prevention as well. The originality of the author’s view is, firstly, applying of new approaches (civilizational, anthropological, subject-oriented), and secondly, the combination of innovative approaches with traditional ones.


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How to Cite

Kalinina, E. (2015). Formation of a new paradigm of social identity in a polycultural collective on the basis of re-socialization. Responsibility and Sustainability, 3(2), 3–12. Retrieved from



Theoretical developments