Relations with employees in CSR strategies at Polish enterprises with regard to compliance mechanism


  • Agnieszka Barcik University of Bielsko-Biala
  • Piotr Dziwiński University of Bielsko-Biala


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), employees, ISO 26000, workplaces, compliance


Employee-related aspects, in addition to human rights, the natural environment, fair business practices, consumer issues, commitment and development of society and the organization’s management are the key areas of social responsibility as defined in the international ISO 26000 standard. This category includes responsible practices towards employees who, regardless of the form of employment, should be guaranteed adequate working conditions, the balance between private and professional life, as well as the opportunity to develop their careers. Due to the fact that the field of CSR is multidisciplinary these issues have been discussed in a multi-faceted way, taking into account different management, economic and law aspects. In this paper, a particular emphasis was done on the implementation of solutions according to legal rules, especially within the mechanism of law compliance, as such mechanism has become in recent years an indispensable element of modern responsible management in Europe even when it has been poorly developed in management literature.


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How to Cite

Barcik, A., & Dziwiński, P. (2015). Relations with employees in CSR strategies at Polish enterprises with regard to compliance mechanism. Responsibility and Sustainability, 3(2), 13–26. Retrieved from



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