The education of sustainable development laboratory: leadership envisioned through Hawaiian culture values
education, sustainable development, laboratory schools, knowledge frameworks, human evolutionAbstract
Human evolution is marked by four distinct ages defined by knowledge development. Larger and more diverse populations of people shorten each age through increased access to information and educational opportunities. The present Information Age is heralding in an awakening of the harmful impacts of the preceding Industrial Age. The awakening includes the notion that education is an “engine” to usher in a Sustainable Development Age. The United Nations declared the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) to stimulate new educational approaches towards dealing with escalating global issues caused by social interaction with natural systems. The laboratory schools can play a pivotal role in designing education programs through analyzing knowledge development frameworks that best cultivate a sustainable mind-set. The University Laboratory School (Hawai‘i) has a unique opportunity to use the pending campus-wide redevelopment process as a research project for establishing a leading design of education for sustainable development, while building a sustainable campus and community. The students graduating from this educational environment, guided by Hawaiian indigenous wisdom, not only have the potential to become catalysts of sustainability for the University of Hawai‘i and their communities; but also the seeds of the Equality, Peace and Prosperity Age.
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