PLAYMOBIL® WILTOPIA: “Know It, Love It, Protect It”


  • José Luis Vázquez García Universidad de León
  • José María Vázquez García Universidad de León


ecological production, product innovation, sustainable businesses, SDG12, Playmobil


The Horst Brandstätter Group is a leading company with a broad experience in the toy industry, whose best-known products are commercialised under the PLAYMOBIL® brand. Sustainability is one of the principles that characterise a business model focused on knowing and satisfying the consumer through constant innovation. The launch in 2022 or the PLAYMOBIL®
Wiltopia product line is among the actions that demonstrate this commitment to sustainability. These products are made from recycled materials, combining play and fun with learning about caring for animals, nature and the environment. The purpose
of this descriptive case study is to show how this action (the introduction of new references, which are widely accepted and have already been awarded), are an example of how to modify a product portfolio to make it more sustainable, while it is also a demonstration of how quality can be maintained (or improved) at a similar price, thus spreading the message that sustainability does not have to be more expensive or, if so, committed companies can assume the associated extra cost.


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How to Cite

Vázquez García, J. L., & Vázquez García, J. M. (2023). PLAYMOBIL® WILTOPIA: “Know It, Love It, Protect It”. Responsibility and Sustainability, 8(2), 74–88. Retrieved from


