Consumer value co-creation as a citizen through pro-circular behavior
value co-creation, circular economy, pro-circular behavior, daily, qualitative studyAbstract
The growing importance of environmentalism trends has led to a significant increase in eco-friendly attitudes and behaviors that demonstrate collective strength through individual decisions. Co-creation represents a fundamental component of this logic, since collaboration allows society in general to create opportunities and generate benefits. However, unsustainable practices continue to exist, and with it a great need for greater public awareness and participation in circular economy initiatives. Considering the growing interest in involving citizens in socio-environmental causes, and taking into account that there is still a long way to go, the purpose of this investigation is to understand the motivations of citizens for the adoption of pro-circular behaviors and the way they perceive the value created for themselves and for the community in which they are inserted. For data collection, a qualitative exploratory methodology was adopted, based on digital diaries written by 25 participants, for 7 days. The findings were diverse, including a mostly female profile with a high academic degree. People with the greatest social concern are the most environmentally committed, although they don’t always translate their commitment into daily behavior. This work presents its originality and contribution by using the diary technique to analyze the pro-circular behavior of the participants, with the aim of co-creating value for the society in which they are inserted.
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