Study of the relationship between gender and top-of-mind cigarette brands
Top of mind, Consumo, Cigarros, GêneroAbstract
Faced with the market adversities in cigarette consumption, many brands have shifted their focus to maintaining long-term relationships with their customers in order to establish themselves as favorites among consumers. An increasing number of brands are becoming concerned with aspects such as brand value and consumer loyalty. This article aims to study the relationship between gender and the top four cigarette brands as indicated by the market share data from EUROMONITOR 2022. To achieve this objective, a survey was conducted using the snowball sampling technique through the researchers' social media networks, asking the following questions: What is your top of mind cigarette brand? Does gender have a dependency relationship with the top of mind cigarette brands? A total of 191 respondents participated voluntarily, resulting in a non-probabilistic convenience sample, which allowed for the use of the chi-square test to analyze the relationship between cigarette brands and gender. The results showed statistical evidence that there is no dependency relationship between gender and the top-of-mind cigarette brands.
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