Volunteering as part of CSR and company support for employee volunteering
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Company Support for Employee Volunteering (CSEV), volunteeringAbstract
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is spreading rapidly, and so is Company Support for Employee Volunteering (CSEV) as an organic part of the company strategy. Employers support their employees’ efforts to get involved in voluntarism in countless different ways because in this way they can guarantee and enhance the legitimacy of the company’s structure, work process and mission. By reinforcing the company’s corporate social message and goal, employees contribute to strengthening the whole
legitimacy of the corporation. Companies set goals which are accepted by society, and in realizing these goals they use tools which are accepted by society too, which is a key for a successful company performance. This paper aims outlining the motivations in companies for CSR activities, including CSEV programs, and the reasons beneath. In addition, the different kinds of benefits of these activities are shown and strategic and responsible applications of CSEV are emphasized, as the best solution is the integration of social aims and business priorities.
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