Education for sustainable development


  • Ana Hirsch Adler Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



education, sustainable development, articulations between education and sustainable development, academic institutions


The objective is to show the huge relevance that education has and its potential to train students, teachers, researchers, managers and directors, with respect to the alarming situation faced by our planet and the possible solutions that can be proposed to tackle this global problem. To do that, a search of international documents on Education for Sustainable Development from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Organization (ONU) was carried out, along  with some recent works about the complex linkages that occur between education and sustainable development. Regarding publications, the international documents on this field are dominant and have a positive character, although some works were found, which judge that the proposals may have some negative or incomplete aspects, and so offer other perspectives that go beyond the Sustainable Development Goals. The article seeks to contribute to the knowledge and reflection of the conditions that have led to global warming and habitat destruction, to the diverse resources that have been created to reverse these processes, and especially to raise awareness through education for sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Hirsch Adler, A. (2023). Education for sustainable development. Responsibility and Sustainability, 8(1), 21–31.


