The green profiles of the centennial generation of Mexico and Argentina


  • Enrique Carlos Bianchi Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Edith Patricia Borboa Álvarez Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
  • Gaspar Gracia Daponte Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Cristian Canziani Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina
  • Oscar Ernesto Hernández Ponce Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora



Green segment, Centennials – Generation Z, sustainable habits, future aspirations


This study analyzes Green profiles in Generation Z or "Centennials" in two locations in Argentina and Mexico. The data was collected using the methodology developed by Kantar World Panel in 2010 to

measure consumer profiles in Latin America in its report called "Green Thermometer". A total of 588 responses were analyzed on 17 habits, opinions and attitudes related to environmental protection, rational use of resources such as water or electricity, environmental awareness, among other aspects. Six market segments or Green profiles were identified: 360° Green, Green Society, Green Shopper, Green Pocket, Dream Green and Zero Green. The results show that the Mexican Green Centennials segment profiles are more Green, Dream and Pocket and less Society and Shopper than the Argentines with some significant differences in both countries with respect to gender, age, activity, consumption habits and future aspirations. In conclusion, Generation Z in Argentina and Mexico is increasingly concerned about sustainability and this influences their purchasing decisions, which will serve as a guide for companies and marketers when promoting this type of initiatives.


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How to Cite

Bianchi, E. C., Borboa Álvarez, E. P., Gracia Daponte, G., Canziani, C., & Hernández Ponce, O. E. (2023). The green profiles of the centennial generation of Mexico and Argentina . Responsibility and Sustainability, 8(2), 3–18.




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