Promotional strategy for wine tourism development


  • Desislava Ivanova Trakia University Stara Zagora
  • Oleg Milev Trakia University Stara Zagora
  • Ivan Georgiev Trakia University Stara Zagora


promotion, market segmentation, wine tourism, tourism product


This paper presents the results from an investigation on the nature of wine tourism, highlighting concrete opportunities for its development and, on that basis, it aims a concept of a promotional strategy to be applied at this purpose. The research is focused in a sample of selected wineries located in the South Central Region of Bulgaria. An analysis of the financial statement ratios, market segmentation and strategic development of the wine tourism product has been conducted, as well as an analysis of the promotional activities by the considered wineries.

As a result, a conceptual model for promotional purposes has been designed and a strategy for the development of wine tourism in Bulgaria has been proposed.


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How to Cite

Ivanova, D., Milev , O., & Georgiev, I. . (2014). Promotional strategy for wine tourism development. Responsibility and Sustainability, 2(3), 57–62. Retrieved from



Research Notes