Innovative strategies in the management of alternative tourism


  • Oleg Milev Trakia University Stara Zagora
  • José Luis Vázquez University of León
  • Desislava Ivanova Trakia University Stara Zagora
  • Ivan Georgiev Trakia University Stara Zagora


alternative tourism, innovative strategies, tourist products, tourist profile


This paper is focused on the nature, origin and scope of innovative strategies in the management and development of rural and eco-tourism as sustainable alternatives to traditional tourism activities. Specifically, the management strategies in the Bulgarian region of Eastern Balkan Mountains have been under consideration.

At this purpose, we assessed not only the natural and anthropogenic resources and hotel facilities infrastructure, but also concrete aspects of the strategies implemented in situ to promote the alternative tourism, as market segmentation and the profile of the tourists visiting this region of Bulgaria.


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How to Cite

Milev, O., Vázquez, J. L., Ivanova, D., & Georgiev, I. (2014). Innovative strategies in the management of alternative tourism. Responsibility and Sustainability, 2(1), 65–70. Retrieved from



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